================================= Getting what you want, part four. ================================= The party was going great. I met Mark, I mentioned that. His dick was long. I'm not talking "more than average", I mean LONG. And I'm one that thought the Sears tower was impressive. I never mentioned it. It beat Willie. It even beat Aron. And it certainly beat myself. We walked into a back bedroom. He spoke. "I've been watching you. Aron told me about you. He said that you were one of the best studs around here. (Aron said that about me?) I want to find out how good a fuck you really are. Bend over, man." I did as told. He was talking in this "I rule you" type voice, but he really was a nice guy. He grabbed a jar of oil, smeared me and him, and drove for home. It was incredible. He worked in a little at a time, this took almost 15 minutes. I was in heaven here. Slow, hot, LONG...this went on for almost a half hour. In, out, in, out. Almost like a money account at the bank. Except, I wasn't losing intrest in this. GUSH! That was the sound I heard when this guy came. I had come all over me, him, the floor. Everything. I fell from him straight down to the floor. I was exhausted. I didn't see him, but I heard him leave. I was hoping to see him again. Aron walked in. "I see you met Mark." I got up, and walked toward him. "All right, get over here." "What?" He walked over. I pushed him down to his knees. "I'm one of the best studs around here." I was smiling. "So suck me." He did as told, he was lapping up come all over the place. I moved back to the bed behind me, and he followed. I layed down, he was between my legs, sucking my balls. "All this damn hair gets in the way." He quit, and walked over to a drawer. He pulled out these electric trimmers, and turned them on. He proceeded to shave me bald down there. "OK, now it's smooth. That's the way to do it." He continued his earlier assignment of sucking me off. I reached down and brushed his soft cheek with my hand. "Come here." He slid up, and I started kissing. I was running my hands through his hair, feeling his entire body on top of mine. He put his hands on my sides, and turned me over. Then he surprised me. He grabbed my hands, and put me in handcuffs. He yelled out into the hall, "Got 'em!" Our gang came in. The brought in a coffee table, and tied me to it, facing down, with enough room between me and it for a person to fit in, which is what Steve did. Tim got in front of me, and Justin got behind me. They did what their positions intended. Steve on my dick, Tim in my mouth, Justin in my ass. I was so hot by this point that I'm not sure how long I could hold out. Remember what I keep saying about timing? Everyone, all at once. Me, them. Come ALL OVER the room. Aron was on the bed, jacking himself off. Probably just watching him would have done the trick of setting me off, but these guys were just too much. They untied me, and I collapsed onto the floor. I was panting for breath. Justin sat on top of me. He started rubbing come (his) into my chest. "You have got to me one of the busiest guys around here. I think you service more people than anyone else I've ever known. Personally, I don't know how you do it." "That makes two of us," I panted. He lied down on top of me, his wenier was against my stomach. His face was on my shoulder (he was a little short), and he just lied there. So did I. His warm body against mine was one of the best feelings in the world. Just all that relaxation in one shot. I fell asleep. I woke up about 3 hours later, but nothing had changed. Justin had fallen asleep himself, and his head was now resting on the opposite shoulder, and Steve was on the opposite side of the room, but everyone else was the same. Asleep, happy. "WHAT THE FUCK'S GOIN' ON?", someone yelled. It was Shawn, he had burst through the door, scaring the shit out of everyone in the room. I went into panic. I was out of breath. Justin had woke, but he had seen that it was just Shawn, and he layed back down on me, trying to get some more sleep. I put my hand on his head. I felt weird, because I hadn't been this close with anyone except Aron. I had a feeling that something was going to start happening. I turned my attention to Shawn. "You scared the hell out of us. Where have you been?" He smiled. "Just with some other guys." He went over to Aron, Shawn hadn't woken him. He was gently stroking Aron's cock, Aron was waking up. What a great way to be waken in the morning. (Just one thing, it wasn't morning). It was about 2am. "MAANAAFUBBER HUH?". Aron was awake now. "Hey Aron, you're house is empty. There's no one else but us guys." "Lemme get a little sleee.." His words trailed off. He wasn't going to be in reality till tomorrow morning. (Or was that later this morning.) He fell back asleep. Shawn went over to talk to Tim, who was awake too, when Shawn came in. Steve went back to sleep. So did I. The sun woke me up. You know how when the sun is right in you're eyes, and even if you've got them closed, you can still see it? Life looks red? It's bad if it's in the middle of the day. It's worse when that's what you first see when you wake up. But it didn't matter. I looked around. Justin (still) was on top of me, Steve was now on the bed where Aron was earlier, but both Aron and Tim were out of the room. Shawn was on the floor, not to far away. I rubbed Justin's back till he woke up. "Good Morning." "Morn." He was still waking up. It took him a minute, but he got up. I followed, we both found something to wear, and walked into the kitchen. Aron was making coffee. "That looks good. You're going to have to give me some, or I'm not going to make it today." "Sure." He was talking in the type of voice you hear in the morning, when they haven't decided what type of attitude to have for the day yet. "You want some cream in that?" I laughed slightly. "I got all the cream I want last night." Justin had slumped onto the table, with his head burried into his arms. I walked over to him, and reached into his lap. "You're dick is hard this morning." "It's hard 'vrey mornin...Eveyone izzz.." His speech was slurred, he still hadn't awoke completely. "How is it?" He looked up. "It got more use in the past 12 hours, than it ever has in the past 12 years." For some reason I felt sorry that I had asked that. Throughout the morning, we stumbled around. I drove Justin home on the way to my house. He lives about a mile from me. Not too far, really. "Listen, thanks for last night. I..um, really enjoyed it." He flashed a huge smile. "You really are the stud of the century, you know that?" "Yeah, I know that." I couldn't help but laugh. "But listen to me, you keep going like you did last night, and I know who'll take my place when I leave." He paused for a little bit. The morning wind was running through his light brown hair. He had that "glow" that all morning people have. Radiant. I could just sit there and watch him forever. He finally spoke. "I'm going up to a cabin in the mountains in about a week, would you be interested in coming with me?" "Are you kidding, of course!" He checked around for people in the area. None. He kissed me briefly, and started walking into his house. He turned around and ran back. "Come on, let's fuckin' go for it!" I ran up to him, and we both ran into his house. The door closed. And if what I got that morning was what I was going to get at his cabin, I couldn't wait. >>Nick Tails<< Watch for GETTING5.TXT, coming to a BBS near you.